Once upon a time in a world long, long ago, when children were bored and played outside until dark, there were hot summer days…
The Aloha Spirit
I sat down this weekend to write about National Nonprofit Day which is today. However, with all that is going on in Maui it…
Time for a break
Sometimes you just know when it’s time to take a break. For me, I know the time is now. The tank is empty and…
Episode 63: Girls for a Change
A few months ago when I was in DC, a friend introduced me to a terrific philanthropist. He in turn introduced me to today’s…
Happy 12th Birthday Charity Matters!
Twelve years ago I had a dream. For someone who sleeps through earthquakes and their own children crying it was extremely in usual to…
Episode 62: Mitchell Thorp Foundation
There is nothing better than meeting a total stranger and feeling like you could be old friends. That is exactly the warmth and graciousness…
Celebrating community in a divided land
Happy 4th of July everyone! Today is one of my favorite days of the year and not just because it’s a celebration of independence;…