We have all heard of cause marketing. You know brands like Tom’s Shoes where you buy one pair and another pair goes to someone…
Episode 59: Project Libertad and our CNN Hero
At Charity Matters we love heroes, people who give and people who serve others. We have been interviewing and finding remarkable heroes long before…
Season 8 Premier! Episode 80: Change for Good
Welcome to Season 8 of the Charity Matters Podcast Premier! It is really hard to believe that this is already Episode 80 which truly…
Today is the day that we take time to be thankful. This year, this day and this moment I am grateful for many…
Finding Gratitude not just in November
There is no joy without gratitude. The two go hand in hand, and you simply cannot have one without the other. In a moment…
Finding Joy
This past week has been incredible and I’m still trying to get my head around all that has happened in just a few short…
The Art of Good
I know its election day and the noise, the anger, the stress and the tension are building. It is a lot! Right now, especially…