Honoring the sacrifices many have made for our country in the name of freedom and democracy is the very foundation of Veterans Day. Charles…
How do you measure a year in the life?
Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear. five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. How do you…
My Hope Chest
” When you come to the edge of a forest and there is no path-make one that others will follow.” Author unknown I couldn’t…
Create the Change Day
“Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways, it can change someone else’s life forever.” Margaret Cho Nothing makes me happier than…
Infinite Strength
“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much, and…
SPY Safe Place for Youth
“We must all work together to end youth homelessness in America.” Jewel Kilcher Charity Matters: Tell us a little about what A Safe Place For…
Thirst Project
I think the saying that you never know who knows who is a theme always present in my life. A few weeks ago…