I think I want to call for a timeout. Stop the clock, take a moment, regroup and simply stop time. It is going way too fast. On friday our two oldest sons went to their Junior and Senior prom, a great night, a happy time filled with all the fun and all the standard trimmings. Beautiful girls, handsome young men in their tuxedos, corsages and boutonnières and the parental paparazzi. It was a happy, fun and festive occasion. This seems like a good place to stop the clock and call a timeout.
It feels like yesterday, I was calling the timeouts. When the boys were naughty (which was an hourly occurrence) they were placed in a “timeout.” They had a timeout routine, a timeout corner to sit alone, the clock set to have time to think about their behavior, while trying not to wiggle and fidget. As the years passed, the timeouts were no longer determined by me but rather reserved for their baseball, football and lacrosse coaches. I really should have brought a whistle into the home at an earlier age, it might have helped to continue the timeout tradition.
Now as we are just a few weeks from high school graduation, the college deposits are in, the orientation booked and in this pivotal time of celebration and joy, I want a timeout. Every occasion is happier than the next. Each day is full of celebrations, happy news and life is action packed. It is as if there is a joy overload to offset the loss that is pending.
So, without a whistle or a timeout corner, I will try my very best to take my own timeout. To stop in a crowded room and smile at my handsome boys as if time had stopped. To give them hugs from my tippy toes instead of the other way around. Laugh at their jokes, beam every time they say “love you mom” and know that we have raised incredible young men. Timeout to be proud of them and all they continue to be. Timeout to feel the love and continue to let go.
Charity Matters.
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1 Comment
Heidi, There couldn’t be a better time….a well deserved time for you and your family…..Mimi