
Zig Ziglar


Dream it

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it.”

Zig Ziglar

Big 12 dreams

 I love big dreams. As I mentioned last week, I am a bit of a dreamer myself. What I love almost more than dreaming is being surrounded by people who think big, have a vision and go for it.

Last week I was in Texas for meetings at TCU and had the privilege of hearing the story of a big dream about football. The dream was about becoming part of the Big 12 Conference. As I listened to the story about this dream, it was clear that in order to make the dream a reality, the vision needed to be shared and the dream needed to become everyone else’s dream too.

Then came the how to achieve it, or the breakdown of the vision and the steps towards the goal. A long path with many on the road of a shared vision and purpose. Of course, it wouldn’t be a happy ending without the realization of the dream and becoming a part of the Big 12 Conference.

Regardless of the dream, these stories refuel me in wondering what are my big dreams? And make me ask myself am I dreaming big enough? I do believe if you dream it, you can achieve it.

What are your big dreams?

Charity Matters.

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