
The Art of Doing Nothing


The Art of Doing Nothing

Art of doing nothing

Last week a girlfriend gave me a belated birthday gift, a book entitled The Art of Doing Nothing, which is exactly what summer is supposed to be about….simply being and finding those hazy lazy moments. I anticipated the book as the perfect solution to relaxing and I found myself excited to pack the book for the long holiday weekend.

Simply thinking about the title and exploring the decadent possibility of doing nothing was half of the fun. Pondering such questions as, when was the last time I did nothing? Answer: I could not remember. Does reading (this book) count as doing nothing? Who knew doing nothing was so difficult? Actually it is. After reading a few chapters I fell asleep, took a decadent middle of the day nap and decided that trying to do more nothing should be a new goal regardless of how backwards that may sound.

I am sharing this in hopes that it may inspire you to ask yourself when was the last time you really did nothing? The more you take care of yourself, the more you have left to share with others. Think about taking up this new art, I am sure going to try….


Charity Matters.


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