
Robin Sharma


Because I’m Happy

Soul sunrise
I have a dear friend who is also a yoga instructor/yogi and she recently shared this with all of her clients. I was so taken by the simplicity and brilliance of this advice that I felt compelled to share. These are the thoughts that I am beginning my New Year with and I hope you feel inspired to do the same.
Do more of the things 
that make you happy.
Make a list of 10
of your greatest passions,
10 activities that fill your heart
with joy and remind you
of how good life can be.
And then, over the coming
10 weeks, inject one 
of those pursuits into 
your weekly schedule.
Powerful thought:
the things that get scheduled
are the things that get done.
Until you schedule something, 
it’s only a concept – 
extraordinary people
don’t build remarkable lives
on concepts.  They build
their greatness on action.
When you do things
that lift your spirit
and send you soaring, 
you reconnect with
a state of happiness.
– Robin Sharma
I have made my list and now need to begin to calendar the activities…a perfect beginning to a new year…..whats yours?
Charity Matters.
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