
Rachel Fudge


Help A Mother Out

help a mother out 2Since this week is Mother’s Day, I thought it was important to take a moment to look at an amazing non-profit making a difference for mothers.  There are thousands of organizations that help women around the globe but this organization started with a single purpose and its name says it all, Help A Mother Out.Org

That single purpose was to provide disposable diapers for low-income mothers, which Food Stamps do not provide for. Mothers can not take their children to daycare or school without providing disposable diapers. Since these diapers can cost up to $100- per month, many struggling mothers were jeopardizing their children’s health by trying to stretch their diaper supply.

So in May 2009, two friends from the Bay Area, Lisa Truong and Rachel Fudge had an idea after seeing reports of families struggling during the recession. As a young mothers, they called some local shelters and asked what was needed and the answer was diapers.

On Mother’s Day 2009, the two decided to hold their first diaper drive and gathered over 15,000 diapers. Today, Help A Mother Out has provided over 1,000,000 diapers! They are a non-profit organization based in San Francisco with chapters in Southern California and work on diaper drives in other states like Washington and Arizona.

As we all know motherhood can be a dirty business but with organizations like Help A Mother Out women and children will all be sitting pretty this Mother’s Day.

Charity Matters.


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