


Life anchor

life anchor

Twenty years ago today I became a mother. In the blink of an eye my entire life changed. My heart grew beyond its capacity, I never knew what tired was, until that moment and somehow my re-birth began with his. They handed me this perfect little bundle and my life was forever connected to another.

That indescribable connection that threads one human being to the next. The cord is cut and yet somehow in that moment, you become another’s life anchor. The first decade blows by in a flash, as your little boat tugs and pulls but never strays too far from safe harbor. Happy to be safely moored and tethered to its anchor.

The second decade comes and the waters begin to get rough and choppy, as the storms blow in and out of adolescence. As many dark and stormy days as there are, the smooth water is just now on the horizon. Little by little you realize that it is time to untie from the mooring and watch your boat sail away. You know there are rough waters out there ahead. You see the storms before they do and yet, always, you are there as their anchor and safe harbor, no matter how far away they sail.

The moments pass from days to years to decades and yet, the anchor remains. Always there, solid, strong, waiting for the safe return of its boat to the safe harbor of home.


Charity Matters.


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