
Laura Hillenbrand



Photo via: KTLA
Photo via: KTLA 

Have you ever read a book that stayed with you, shifted you, and made you think…really think? I just finished reading one of the most amazing books, trying to beat the movie which comes out on Christmas. The book was Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand about an incredible and inspiring human being Louis Zamperini. Since yesterday was Veteran’s Day, I could think of no better example to model our Veteran’s than this remarkable man.

I know many of you have read it and/or heard the story but it one that is more than worth retelling. It is the real life story of a boy aiming at the Olympics, who ends up in WWII with unbelievable stories of adventure, torture and survival. But more important than anything is Louis Zamperini’s attitude, his ability to forgive and his message of the resilience of the human spirit.

As you know, Louis Zamperini died last year. You may not know that he was a non-profit founder, after the war he started a home for troubled youth and dedicated his life to helping others. The man was pure inspiration. If you give your self a gift, sit down with the book or just wait a month for the movie. The legend of Louis Zamperini lives on, I hope in each of us.

Charity Matters.


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