
International Day of Remembrance



Sandyhook promiseToday is Friday the 13th, a day shrouded in superstition and bad luck. Worse than being Friday, the 13th it is the one year anniversary of the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary. A moment so horrific and tragic that it seems surreal, except to those families that will spend this one year anniversary still asking why?

Only 365 days out, the hindsight offers little perspective and few answers. There is a glimmer of hope and healing and that is the new non-profit founded by Sandy Hook parents called the Sandy Hook Promise. Its mission is to research and implement sensible solutions to prevent gun violence, as well as to influence legislators and engage constituents in the legislative process that helps their community to heal.

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Joining the Sandy Hook promise is not about politics but rather about working together to create a dialogue and beginning to take the pain and use it as fuel to heal and move forward. This sunday is an international day of remembrance for children that have died. There are candle lighting services around the globe honoring children we have lost and sadly there will be 20 extra candles lit this year in remembrance.

Charity Matters.


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