
Heidi McNiff Johnson


Children Mending Hearts

I am always amazed at how all of these causes come to me in such different ways. The beauty of this is that each day becomes a filter for all the goodness in this world, something we all need.

Children Mending Hearts is no exception. I was so intrigued by the concept of homeless and impoverished children in the United States being empowered by helping those children, even less fortunate than they are, in other countries.  The purpose of Children Mending Hearts is to give children worldwide the power to find and use their voices through creative expression.

If a homeless child creates something for a child refugee who doesn’t just have a hole in his/her shoe but is shoeless, then this disadvantaged child goes from victim to victorious.  Children gain a sense of being an advocate and knowing that even the simplest actions can make a difference.

They discover that their lives can feel different and that is what it’s all about.

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The Birthday Box Project

My 10 year old came home from school recently excited about his Student Council project entitled The Birthday Box Project. The children in his class will help this LA based organization provide birthdays for homeless children.

The concept is so simple and yet so powerful. A parent is given a box full of cake mix, frosting, candles, wrapping paper, a toy and a disposable camera. The parent then uses these items to create a special birthday for their child.

A memory, a moment and a celebration of life and all its blessings. Now that is a Happy Birthday!

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The other day I came home to find a picture of a woman on my husband’s computer screen.  No, it’s not what your thinking but I must admit I was curious.

I asked my husband who this person was and he proudly claimed that he had just given this woman, Ana a loan.  To understand how shocking this is you have to know my husband. He is a generous soul but likes to give to things that affect him and our family (kid’s school, local hospital and community-oriented giving).

This woman was a widow with two children from Costa Rica who needed money to buy chickens.  She would then sell the eggs to support her family. Through an organization called Kiva, which provides microfinance, he was able to help this woman with a loan, not a donation.

Kiva believes in a world where all people- even in the most remote areas of the globe- hold the power to create an opportunity for themselves and others. The smile of pride on my husband’s face told me he believes this as well. The power of one is indeed powerful.

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Network for Good

There is just goodness everywhere and it seems that our cultural pendulum is beginning to swing in really positive directions. The simple act of helping another has been around since the beginning of time but technology keeps coming up with innovative ways to help us, help others.

That’s exactly what Network for Good has done. They have brought together both places to volunteer and places to donate to over 1 million charities creating an amazing Network for Good.

This is just Good!

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Gabby Krause

Time and again I am inspired by those who take adversity and turn it into something beautiful. Kindness never gets old and always seems to multiply once it is delivered. A perfect example of this is Tammy Krause.

Tammy lost her 6-year-old daughter, Gabby, in September 2004 to brain cancer after a 19-month long battle. In her loss, she was determined to honor her daughter’s legacy in a meaningful way. Gabby always brought her “Bag of Fun” to the hospital for her chemo treatments. It was her wish that other children should have them too. As a result, the Gabby Krause Foundation was launched by her family.

Gabby Krause has been gone for 7 years now but her legacy has delivered thousands and thousands of sick children bags of fun.

911 Hero Portraits

A hero is someone who gives selflessly, who sacrifices and who makes a difference. On September 11th the stories of heroism and bravery were boundless.

Sometimes, however, heroes show up in unexpected ways. Darrell and Kimberly Lynn, received a call one night from the mother of a fallen soldier asking if they could paint a portrait of her deceased son. The Lynns not only painted the portrait but they started the non-profit HeroPortraits.Com with the goal of honoring all our nations’ heroes.

The goal of Hero Portraits is able to honor those who have sacrificed themselves serving in the Armed Forces, Police, Fire, Coast Guard, FBI, ATF, and the many other Civil Servants that protect us every day. Hero Portraits considers it an honor to give a portrait that will comfort the family of a hero and be handed down for generations to come of those who have helped to keep us safe, protect our rights, and serve the citizens of the United States of America and around the world.

God Bless our Heroes.

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Its hard to believe that 10 years has gone by since that fateful September day that is embedded deeply into our minds and our nation’s history. Each of us knows exactly where we were at that moment in time as we witnessed images still almost impossible to process a decade later.

Yet out of all the loss and tragedy a new hope and promise has emerged as our nation comes together for this anniversary. There is a movement underway way by 911day.org to reach out to all asking for a international day of service in remembrance.

Take a small moment to pledge a prayer, an act of kindness or just to look at all the love and beauty in our world which is so often overlooked. We may have lost 3,000 bright lights that September morning but their goodness shines down upon us as a beacon of hope.


What will you do?

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Do Something

As the lazy days of summer have quickly passed us by and images of students heading back to school surround us, I wondered what are the students of today doing? The amazing answer is that almost 2 million of them are part of DO Something.Org

DoSomething.org was started back in 1993 by Andrew Shue (yes, of Melrose Place fame) and Michael Sanchez. Their one goal was to make community service as popular and most importantly, normal as watching TV or playing sports—something so ingrained in young people that they wouldn’t think twice about helping others or volunteering.

Shue approached Aaron Spelling, the executive producer of Melrose Place, and asked for 30 seconds of air-time during the show to tell the world about Do Something. Spelling agreed and Do Something was officially launched!

Do Something has always been all about social change and when Nancy Lublin, came on board as the new CEO, she revitalized and transformed Do Something by moving the projects online and focusing on social changes 25 and under.


It truly is amazing what happens when each of us just Do Something.

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Back to School Promise

As most of us are preparing in one way or another for back to school, the smell of fresh pencils and the endless possibilities that a new piece of paper brings. That excitement is sadly not a reality for all.

Currently, 1 out of 4 of High School Students in the United States is dropping out of school. As I heard this terrible statistic  I ran across a man who regardless of politics has really made a difference and continues to reach out to our youth, General Colin Powell. He is a reminder that one person can make a difference and that our children all deserve America’sPromise.org


So as you pack up the backpacks remember the 1.3 million students that won’t finish school this year. Renew your own promise to educate and remember the power of one.

Copyright © 2011 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.

A little girl’s birthday wish…..

I am always so intrigued and inspired by the rebirth that comes from terrible loss. Life is a mystery but how tragedy can turn around into something beautiful for others always gives me hope. Hope in humanity, hope in goodness and just a chance to perhaps see a bigger plan.  Hope that one little person really can make a difference.

Rachel’s story is just that….


Rachel has now raised over $1,000,000. for Charity Water


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See whats hatching in Boston

Since its summer time, our family is heading east this week to Boston. I asked a friend from Boston if there is any cause dear to her heart that I should see, her response, One Hen.Org

Truly a great story about a few women taking their children’s book, One Hen, and turning the book’s message of microfinance into a real-life non-profit.  The book is a story of a West African boy who receives a loan to buy a hen and becomes an entrepreneur in the process. It is the story of one person creating change for himself, then his family and ultimately for his community.

The beauty of this real-life story is how one book, one message and one author can create change for thousands of children.

Click here to see for yourself.

True life imitating art in the most beautiful way.

Copyright © 2011 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.

Charity Profile: Theresa Gartland

“If you want to be remembered, do something memorable.”

Charity Matters wants you to get to know these inspirational people that will be remembered for their remarkable gifts of compassion to those in need. Theresa Gartland is exactly that, remarkable Here are her answers to Charity Matter’s Questionnaire.

What Charity Matters to you?

Urban Compass, of course!

What or who inspires you?

My students inspire me every day!  Even though they live in a very violent and depressing neighborhood, they are the most resilient, positive, happy children I have ever met. They have a thirst for knowledge and a strong desire to succeed; they cherish every moment they are at Urban Compass.  They are risk takers – they want to explore and you can feel their excitement the minute they step into the UC van because they know they are going on an adventure they have never been on, exploring a new community, learning more about what life has to offer.  They don’t take for granted what for most of us are everyday experiences.

When did you realize that you made a difference?

It’s in the little moments that you realize you are making a difference in these children’s lives. It’s when they give you a hug and hold you tight and won’t let go.  It’s when you see them quietly working on their homework, striving to be their best.  It’s when a student says, “Thanks Ms. G- I want to be a good person when I grow up and stay out of trouble, just like you.”  When a teacher, principal or parent lets me know the student’s math or reading scores are improving because of Urban Compass.  It’s when I get home at night and reflect on the day, thinking about the smiles I saw, the laughter I heard, and the hugs I received; and the tears I cry are coming from a place of compassion, knowing that we have provided a place for these children to create positive childhood memories that they wouldn’t have otherwise.

If you could get everyone to do one small act of kindness, what would it be?

I don’t know if this is an act of kindness but a small thing we all can do is to validate each other more.  Whether you are 8, 28, or 48 years old, you still want to hear that you are doing the right thing, that you are a good person, and that you are making good decisions in life. I see it all the time with the students I work with:  they want approval, they want recognition, and they want to know that they are ok.  I am constantly looking at each one of them in the eyes and saying “I’m proud of you!”  Those words are so powerful, so meaningful.  The students respond with a smile and you can see new confidence in their eyes.  We don’t tell our friends, partners, spouses, children, parents, students, and co-workers often enough that we are proud of them.

What is your motto?

“The best thing you can do is help those who want to be helped.”

Copyright © 2011 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.

Urban Compass

With over 1.8 million non-profits in the United States alone, I thought where do you begin? For me, Urban Compass is a place close to my heart and a place that gives children a beginning, a hope and pays everything forward.

Located in Watts, an economically depressed area known for its high drop out rates, poverty, crime and gang violence…which triples in the hours following school. The local elementary and middle schools are recruiting grounds for new gang members with some children joining as early as eight years old.

Urban Compass was formed in partnership with Verbum Dei High School and 112th Street Elementary School to combat poverty and violence and make a difference in the lives of children in Watts. This incredible after school program captures children at a very volatile age and offers an alternative model for them: an environment that challenges them to dream of a rewarding future where they can accomplish anything and escape poverty.

Urban Compass is featured in Daughtry’s video “What About Now” (at approx 2min) you will see that Urban Compass is the path to now.


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