
George De la Rosa


Mothers to the Rescue

Mothers to the rescue George DeLaRosa Loyola High SchoolOur sons have all attended a high school with the motto, “Men for Others.” Service is at the core of the school’s philosophy.  As a result, the most remarkable young men come from this school and George De La Rosa, is no exception. When I heard what this junior in high school has done, it brought tears to my eyes. George is the founder of the volunteer service called Mothers to the Rescue. He was inspired to help children who are growing up without a mother, as he has. His goal, to simply provide a mom…even if temporarily…. to help provide those “mom moments” of back to school shopping, getting ready for prom or even the holidays.

“I created this organization because I was forced to grow up throughout most of my life without a mother. When I was seven, my mother unexpectedly died due to a complication during surgery. I want to give others what I never had and that is the opportunity of having a strong helpful mother figure to teach him/her lessons that only a woman can teach.  I want to provide others with the opportunity to have a strong woman who can “come to the rescue” and help shop for school clothes, prepare for proms, dates, and have the ability to ask any questions about life.”

George began pairing his volunteer moms with children in need just around Valentine’s Day this past year and is currently applying for his non-profit status.

“Every Child deserves a mother, and I want to afford all young people who grew up without a mom, the opportunity to experience love and life lessons from a woman.” George is living proof of being a “Man for others” and I am sure his mother is smiling down on him and all those children whose lives he changes.

Charity Matters.


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