


Clearing Out


This week clarity is on my mind. Seeing clearly, what is important. As many of you know, our home is in escrow and we are beginning the process of clearing out. What initially seemed to me like a simple closet cleaning has become so much more. It is the editing our story, tossing out a piece of our past to make way for our future.

Each item tells a story, has a history or a moment in time that is no longer relevant. The process of clearing out and decluttering becomes about more than the item but by the space found by its absence. It becomes about clearing out not just closets but oneself and a clarity of what is truly important.

Taking inventory of what matters and what must stay. The reality is that the life time of collecting things, one realizes how little they mean. The possibility of an open white canvas, our new modern home and simplified life style is more than stuff. It is a fresh start, a new beginning, a time to reprioritize.

Before the new chapter can begin, the letting go, clearing process and closing of this chapter must start.  If there is one thing I know, it is there is no clarity in clutter and not an ending without a new beginning.


Charity Matters.


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