
Christmas Pageants


The Last Noel

the first and last noel

Last night was my last Christmas pageant. I’m not sure how this happened? It seems that from the moment we utter our first words, we are dressed up and put in front of  crowds to sing holiday songs. Before we know it, we are the parents and are at our own children’s’ performances, waving, standing up, trying to get the picture.

Then in a flash, just like all those that were not supposed to go off tonight, it is over. Done. Those little voices become big, deep and squeaky. All the drama that went into getting the family looking festive for the pageant, (when in reality, festive is not really how anyone is feeling) is miraculously gone…again in that flash that wasn’t supposed to go off.

As we sat surrounded by parents of toddlers, it seemed almost impossible remembering that we were once those people ….. You know the ones with a screaming baby and a toddler climbing all over everyone? Yet, as I looked back at the young faces (parents and children) I felt a bit like I was looking in a mirror. I was that mother, who was so worried about upsetting everyone around her, rather than worrying about her child.

What would I tell my young self if I met her today? I would tell her to relax, it is all going to be ok. I would tell her that your children will not walk down the aisle sucking their thumbs, clean cloths really are not that important, and being in the moment when your child waves at you from the stage or sings at the top of their lungs with glee is what really matters.

More than anything I would say, it all goes by in a flash….. so enjoy every crazy precious moment.


Charity Matters.



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