The other day I had lunch with a girlfriend and we began talking about mean girls. No, not the movie but how cruel girls can be to one another, especially young girls. As the mother of sons, I was saddened by this and came upon an amazing and inspiring campaign….one that makes me proud to be a girl and its called The Kind Campaign.
It all began in 2009 when two college girl friends, Lauren Parsekian and Molly Thompson, who were both affected by female bullying decided to create a documentary, a non-profit, a school program and a movement towards kindness and away from bullying. Their movement is based upon their powerful belief that kindness brings healing to the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl “crime.” Their mission to stop and change this behavior, was a very personal one to both of them.
Molly was bullied in high school, ostracized by a group of girls and felt an incredible loneliness. The bullying Lauren experienced in 7th and 8th grade lead her to avoiding school, failing grades, depression and an eventually a suicide attempt. When Molly and Lauren met at Pepperdine University and began sharing their experiences they knew they were not alone and decided to start with a documentary on the topic, Finding Kind. That film lead to the national tour, the non-profit and now the movement.
Today, Lauren and Molly continue their mission. Their Kind Campaign has been implemented in hundreds of schools across the country. They have Kind Clubs, a Kind Magazine that features powerful stories of Kindness and even a place on their site to apologize or spread some Kindness. Two girls who took their pain and turned it into kindness. The result has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people across America, simply being KIND.
Charity Matters.
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