
Bruno Serato


Caterina’s Club

Last week was Thanksgiving and in my search for feeding the hungry, one name just kept reappearing, Bruno Serato. Call it coincidence but I had received a text from a girlfriend the same day about a non-profit called Caterina’s Club. What do you know? Caterina’s Club is founded by Bruno Serato. I just love it when the magic comes together.

So who is this Bruno Serato? Bruno is a chef and restaurant owner in Orange County, California. He is also a long time supporter of the Boys and Girls Club.  In 2005, after a visit to the Boys and Girls Club Bruno realized that many of those children were living in motels and were not being fed dinner.

Bruno shared this story with his mother, Caterina, who told him he must use his resources to feed these children pasta dinner.  That is how his non-profit Catarina’s Club began. Every night vans from the Boys and Girls Clubs pick up children at surrounding motels, where they live, and deliver them to the Boys and Girls Club for homework help, activities and free pasta dinner.


Today, Bruno has served more than 400,000 free pasta dinners. Bruno has called these children his favorite customers. What he feeds them is more than pasta; it is love, time, compassion and consistency in an often crazy world for these children. Bruno recognized that being fed isn’t always through your stomach but perhaps feeding a child’s spirit is just as important.

Charity Matters.

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