
Brent Cunningham


Love always wins, especially in Boston

boston-marathon-runner-from-ak-reunites-w-001As I have mentioned before my husband is both a tri-athlete and a marathon runner. He has never run the Boston Marathon but when he saw this story on Facebook, as many of you did, he shared it.

This was Laura Wellington’s Facebook post, about her experience moments from the finish line in the Boston Marathon.

As some of you know, I was 1/2 mile from the finish line when the explosion went off. I had no idea what was going on until I finally stopped and asked someone. Knowing that my family was at the finish line waiting for me, I started panicking, trying to call them. I started walking down Mass Ave towards Symphony Hall still not knowing where my family was.

I was able to get in touch with Bryan and found out he was with my family and they were safe. I was just so happy to hear his voice that I sat down and started crying. Just couldn’t hold it back. At that moment, a couple walking by stopped. The woman took the space tent off her husband, who had finished the marathon, and wrapped it around me.

She asked me if I was okay, if I knew where my family was. I reassured her I knew where they were and I would be ok. The man then asked me if I finished to which I nodded “no.” He then proceeded to take the medal off from around his neck and placed it around mine. He told me “you are a finisher in my eyes.” I was barely able to choke out a “thank you” between my tears.

Odds are I will never see this couple again, but I’m reaching out with the slim chance that I will be able to express to them just what this gesture meant to me. I was so in need of a familiar face at that point in time. This couple reassured me that even though such a terrible thing had happened, everything was going to be ok.

That couple was Brent Cunningham and his wife, from Sitka, Alaska. After Laura’s post went viral, ABC News tracked him down and Brent flew back to Boston to meet the stranger once again. Brent gave a tearful Laura a huge hug and said, “Evil may have won the battle but they’re not gonna win the war.  Love wins. Game over.”

Charity Matters.


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