
All You Need is Love Charity


All you need is love….

all you need is love
I live in a small town where things rarely change.” This is the opening line from Steve Martin’s movie, Father of the Bride that references the tiny suburb I live in outside of LA. However, today this statement isn’t as true as it once was, things they are a changing.  
Our little town is infamous for having great people hail from it who changed our world. Henry Huntington, one of the first railroad barons and General George Patton, to name a few. One of the most recent, is someone you have never heard of, but in her short life she created enormous change, her name was Sophia Tam.
Sophia was a bright light who was inspired by her grandfather at the early age of 10 to help the children of Burma, who were fleeing war, poverty and enormous challenges. Sophia’s teacher Erin, learned about these children and traveled to Burma or modern-day Myanmar to see first hand.  Almost immediately, Erin and Sophia began working, fundraising, advocating and donating their summers to begin to build what would become the non-profit All You Need is Love, which supports the Good Morning School.

 Sophia was diagnosed with brain cancer her junior year in high school and despite treatments she was undeterred in her commitment to these children. Three weeks before Sophia died at age 18, in August 2013, she hosted a fundraiser to keep this school open. This weekend her family will do the same once again and continue to spread her message of All you need is love charity.org.
Change only happens when people educate their hearts and their minds in tandem. Sophia Tam was and will continue to be a change-maker who has left her imprint on our tiny town and the world with her love, light and compassion for others.
Charity Matters.
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