
Adrenaline Lacrosse


Goodness is contagious

LacroseeI received an email the other day from a lacrosse store that my youngest son loves called Adrenaline. The email just made my day and got me thinking about just how contagious goodness is. The note came from the lacrosse store owner, Ian and told the story of a 13-year-old boy, named Jack. Jack had been volunteering with his dad in a underserved part of town teaching lacrosse as a community service project, in association with his father’s company.

The father and son put on a lacrosse clinic for about 75 children. The equipment was donated to use during the clinic. The kids loved the sport and wanted to learn more and play, however did not have the financial resources to afford the equipment to do so.

Which brings us back to Jack, who now wants to provide equipment for all of these kids. So, Jack approached Ian and asked if he could put a used equipment collection box in his store, which of course he did. Here comes the contagious part.  Ian was so inspired by this 13 year olds big heart that he then emailed the entire Southern California lacrosse community to ask if we could all help Jack out with his mission. He has now put collection boxes in all of the Adrenaline stores and at practice locations.

Goodness is so easy to catch and truly contagious.  Sometimes we are so busy that we forget to stop and realize all the beautiful miracles around us each and every day. It is the simple acts of kindness for another. I hope what Jack is spreading is as contagious to you as it was to me,  because this is something worth catching!

Charity Matters.

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