Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.

William Wordsworth

I thought this was the perfect quote to celebrate todays 100th post of Charity Matters. Each week I attempt to pour my soul out for each of you by sharing the stories of the incredible heroes I cover, the non-profits.  These stories, people, quotes, inspire me as I hope they inspire you.

Thank you for being here with me and if you are inspired thank you for sharing CM with your friends, tweeting and liking us on Facebook. Its the communities that we build together that create change, thank you for being a part of mine.

Charity Matters.

Copyright © 2012 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.


  1. Heidi, Congratulations on 100 moments of Charity Matters, a labor of love done very well. You probably have no idea how many hearts and minds you have touched, and helped them make it through another day. I faithfully connect with you every morning, looking forward to an inspiring word or person or situation that reminds me that we are all here to serve one another and thereby be His disciples. I often think of your mom and how proud she must be that she brought you into this world which you enrich every day by your presence. Mary and I look forward to our upcoming celebration of Hunter’s Confirmation and a chance to spend time with you and all our family. Peace, Don

  2. maryannsmith632 Reply

    100 posts and 100 ways to “matter.” Congratulations and thank you for reminding us that we are here to be of service and to make a difference. Looking forward to reading the next 100 posts.

  3. maryannsmith632 Reply

    100 posts and 100 ways to “Matter.” Congratulations and thank you for reminding us we are put on earth to be of service. I am looking forward to reading the next 100 posts.

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