
Walter Schirra


My gift to the world

“You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons.  And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.”

 ~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.

My gift to the world hunter

Yesterday was my first-born’s birthday. He will be heading off to college in a few months and some days its just so hard to believe that it is really happening. All these years of pouring blood sweat and tears into your children and just when they turn into super interesting, creative, fun and amazing people…well its time for them to leave.

I remember when my oldest was a toddler, a wise woman said to me, “He doesn’t belong to you, he belongs to the world.” I have truly never forgotten those words.

Our first-born was a “man for others” before he even knew what his school motto meant. I have watched him spend his summers and free time doing service, not by demand but by choice. I hope that wherever he lands his service to others never stops but continues to grow and evolve with him.

I know that this is his time and he is ready, but am I? Each week I talk about giving and now it is time to give my first born his wings. A ritual that mothers have done with their sons since the beginning of time and a heart wrenching right of passage. This is my ultimate gift.

I know a mother’s work is never done but as I reflect on how quickly the time has passed, I am reminded that he never belonged to me in the first place, but rather to world which he is about to enter.

Charity Matters.

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