
Open Mind


Charity Matters Quotes

“A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” 

Frank Zappa

open parachute

I find myself regularly telling my sons that I want them to “open their minds.”  This week, as I head to a college campus for meetings, learning and being open in on my mind. I talked with a friend, a while back, and left our conversation thinking that he had really aged. What I realized after some thought, was that he had not aged physically but rather mentally….all because of a closed mind.

That conversation, made me sad. It wasn’t that he and I did not agree on a topic but rather that he refused to be open to anything but his own view.  I remind myself of that conversation regularly so that I do not fall prey to the same path.

The people who I profile here each week all have many things in common. One trait that I find over and over in non-profit founders is their ability to be open. Their experience motivates them to create a better path for the next person to come along. It is their openness to that enables them to achieve so much for so many.

Charity Matters.

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