
Linda Driscoll


Dream-Big!. Org

Don’t you just love it when one thing leads to the next? My friend, Mary Ann, would use the term synchronistic others perhaps happenstance but whatever you call it my pondering of dreaming big lead me to a real life dreamer, who did just that and her non-profit carries the same name, DreamBig.Org

This dreamers story began in 2009, when Linda Driscoll came across a grant requests, doing her day job at the Red Cross, for something so simple, it took her breath away.

“I remember the coach who was seeking funding for uniforms for her girl’s basketball team. I could not believe it when she told us that her girls’ team would play their games immediately following the boys’ games so that they could borrow the boys’ uniforms once they had finished playing.”

Sadly, these stories were not new to Linda who had heard for years about kids running track in Keds, children fighting obesity who couldn’t afford a fitness program and tons of school teams with out sports equipment.

In 2009, after a visit with her nieces and nephew the topic of sports, equipment and registration fees for the new season came up. Linda saw all of the old sports gear in the garage and wondered again about how many kids probably don’t participate because their families cannot afford the costs associated with sports and physical activity programs. That was her epiphany and she decided to create Dream Big!

Her dream is that all girls will have the equipment, program fees and supplies they need to participate in sports and physical activities that contribute to their overall health, fitness and well-being.

Linda’s dream is paying off today Dream Big! is incorporated in Massachusetts and is currently working with many schools, organizations, volunteers and businesses to get low-income and homeless girls the basic items needed to participate in sports, recreation and physical activities.

That’s a sweet dream. Charity Matters.

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