
Crowd funding


What’s Sevenly?

Photo credits: Sevenly.Org
Photo credits: Sevenly.Org

A few weeks back I wrote about The Tipping Point of kindness that is currently happening all around us.  The signs of great change, just continue  to grow. I recently heard about a perfect example of that change, a new organization called Sevenly.Org .  Their goal is just that, to make the world a better place.

It all began in January of 2011 when two young entrepreneurs named Dale Partridge and Adam Chavez got together with the mission of leading a “generation towards generosity.” Their belief was simply that people mattered and their goal was to create weekly cause campaigns where customers could purchase products that gave $7 to a weekly charity. They wanted to both “unlock a way to crowd-fund for causes, but to drive massive social awareness as well.” On June 13th, 2011 they began to do just that.

They refer to their model as a” funnel.” The approach begins with targeting the millions of people who have never given to charity before, they wisely asked for the gift of social influence first. Then they showcase cool products to buy, with each item purchased a $7 donation goes to the cause that is highlighted that week. Lastly, they are encouraging their customers/donors to connect on a deeper level with these causes.

The result is brilliant. In the past few years Sevenly has had millions of people donate their social influence, and hundreds of thousands buy awareness products for the causes they support. In addition, they have raised over 2 million dollars and counting for these causes. More importantly, they are living proof that the Tipping point of kindness is a reality. That Tipping point is doing exactly what they set out to do…move a generation towards generosity and make the world realize that people matter. Now that is Sevenly!

Charity Matters.


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