
Andrew Shue


Do Something

As the lazy days of summer have quickly passed us by and images of students heading back to school surround us, I wondered what are the students of today doing? The amazing answer is that almost 2 million of them are part of DO Something.Org

DoSomething.org was started back in 1993 by Andrew Shue (yes, of Melrose Place fame) and Michael Sanchez. Their one goal was to make community service as popular and most importantly, normal as watching TV or playing sports—something so ingrained in young people that they wouldn’t think twice about helping others or volunteering.

Shue approached Aaron Spelling, the executive producer of Melrose Place, and asked for 30 seconds of air-time during the show to tell the world about Do Something. Spelling agreed and Do Something was officially launched!

Do Something has always been all about social change and when Nancy Lublin, came on board as the new CEO, she revitalized and transformed Do Something by moving the projects online and focusing on social changes 25 and under.


It truly is amazing what happens when each of us just Do Something.

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