Welcome to Charity Matters!
I’m Heidi, I’m a nonprofit founder, a storyteller, and a believer in good.
I believe in the power of connection to bring people together for a purpose greater than themselves and in communicating powerful stories to inspire others to serve and give.
We all have a story to tell, and this is a piece of mine…
In 2002, my parents were involved in a horrible car accident that took my mother’s life and left my father in a coma. This life-changing tragedy spurred me to begin leading a team of volunteers that ultimately resulted in the creation of a nonprofit. The Spiritual Care Guild was created to provide chaplains of all faiths at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Today, this organization is a national template of pediatric chaplaincy. The Spiritual Care Guild has helped build a $10 million interfaith center and to provide chaplains of all faiths to support patients, families, and staff at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Through this journey, I became fascinated with the other 1.7 million people who start nonprofit organizations. I became determined to find them and tell their stories. In 2011, I launched the Charity Matters platform to do just that.
In the years since I have had the pleasure of meeting amazing humans who change our communities and world through their service. It has been a privilege to share their inspiring stories. I love learning how these amazing individuals have overcome enormous challenges and turned those challenges into nonprofit organizations or business that serves humanity. Charity Matters is a filter for goodness that connects people and causes. We not only highlight these remarkable nonprofit founders but strive to inspire each of us to give the best of ourselves to one another, and to the world.
Thank you for joining us on our journey to inspire, connect and change people’s lives.
With gratitude,