
Random Acts of Kindness week


National Random Acts of Kindness Day is today

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”

Scott Adams

With Valentines Day on Tuesday, who knew that we had another day to celebrate this week? Today, is National Random Acts of Kindness day…I know, who knew? This is actually such a wonderful way to start the long holiday weekend by doing a random act of kindness for someone. It can be as simple as a smile, putting coins in someone’s parking meter or even giving someone a compliment.

In case you need a few ideas or inspiration there is a non-profit called Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.org that has tips, ideas, lesson plans for simple ways to be kind and here is a video to get you thinking about how you can celebrate today and the act of kindness.

The most beautiful gift you can give is a little piece of yourself to make someone else’s day better. It will make you feel great and create a chain reaction of kindness. Imagine if our world was like this everyday, not just today…

So, here is wishing you a day filled with giving and receiving random acts of kindness. As the quote says, ” Remember there is no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.”


Charity Matters.


Copyright © 2017 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.

Random Acts of Kindness Week


Did you know this week is Random Acts of Kindness week? Well, it is! How perfect to celebrate kindness, the same week we celebrate love and Valentines.

One would hope that each of us would be able to come up with some small way to celebrate this wonderful week, but on the off-chance you are not feeling so creative there is an actual foundation that is here to inspire you.  It is originally named, The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation and its goal is to be a resource for people committed to spreading kindness. Their web-site is chock full of heart warming ideas of simple ways to make life better  for other people. How amazing is that?

The non-profit foundation started in 1995 and provides creative ideas for kind actions, along with being an incredible resource for parents and schools….all for free! The Foundation believes, “As people from different cultures and from all walks of life join to spread kindness, they are creating a powerful, synergistic action throughout the world.

Their mission is simply to inspire people to practice kindness and pass it on.  I can think of nothing better than that!

Charity Matters.


Copyright © 2014 Charity Matters. This article may not be reproduced without explicit written permission; if you are not reading this in your newsreader, the site you are viewing is illegally infringing our copyright. We would be grateful if you contact us.